Thursday, 28 July 2011


For lots of people the term 'pop-up' brings good things to mind: surprises, nice restaurants, fun books. Not for me. What I SHOULD get is 'cool things materialising for just long enough to seem to exist but then running off and hiding again which makes them seem even cooler'. What I actually get image of a big, ugly  Jack-in-the-Box. Not cool, not hip, not stylish...just a teeny bit scary, but not in a way you could, like, admit. Great.

So, I wasn't pre-disposed to like the 'Pop-up  Festival' held in London on the second weekend of July. There were 'jack-in-the-box' ish things about it: the forecast was brilliant but it managed to be stifling hot and rainy at the same time. The tents were all full of pushchairs (and there weren't very many tents)...and in the main arena (Corams Fields park near Russell Square) there was only ONE storyteller...whose mic didn't work properly! Wow.

Over the road in the Brunswick Centre, though, things started to look up. Not only were there lots of free chocolate brownie tasters - one of the few nice surprises I can think of - but there was another stage with a guy telling all the best bits of the Odyssey to me while I munched away at a bacon sandwich.

Oh. AND I booked my flight to Japan. Hahhhhh.

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